Patrick Son

Associate Consultant

Patrick is a highly motivated individual with a passion for business process improvement and a desire to apply his skills and knowledge in a professional setting. He has a strong technical background, including expertise in business process modelling, data visualisation, project management frameworks such as BABOK and AGILE, and programming languages like Python, C#, Bootstrap, JavaScript, and SQL.
In his free time, Patrick is an avid sports enthusiast, with a particular interest in basketball, powerlifting, bodybuilding, and the automotive industry.

As an Associate Consultant at Exent, Patrick brings a positive attitude, a willingness to learn, and a strong desire to contribute to a team. His five-year tenure at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), where he studied Information Systems and Interactive and Visual Design (IVD), provided him with the skills and experience necessary to succeed in his chosen field.
At QUT, he honed his technical abilities and gained a deep understanding of the relationship between technology and design, as well as valuable experience in teamwork and leadership through his involvement in student organisations and extracurricular activities.

Areas of Expertise

  • Business Process Improvement
  • Business Analysis
  • User Experience Design
  • Design Thinking
  • Web Development


  • Double Degree in Information Technology and Creative Industries, Queensland University of Technology (2018-2022)
  • Majored in Information Systems & Interactive and Visual Design (IVD)